The Effect of a Program with Introductory Games on Learning Some Basic Motor Skills for Kindergarten

Document Type : Articles Abstracts


The present study aimed to identify the effect of a program with introductory games on learning some basic motor skills, using the experimental method designed for two groups, control and experimental groups, randomly selected children in Sharkia Governorate. The sample included 28 boys and girls from the second stage of kindergarten. The results showed the improvement of the experimental group with the introductory games program, which led to learning some basic motor skills (running, jumping, partridge, throwing). There are statistical differences between the pre-and post-measurements of the control group in favor of the post-measurement. Still, they did not reach a significant level in learning some of the basic motor skills under study (running, jumping, partridge, throwing). There are statistically significant differences at the level of the tribal and remote measurements of the experimental group in favor of the post-measurement learning of some basic motor skills (running, jumping, partridge, throwing). In light of the current results, and within the limits of the research sample, the researchers could conclude that the use of the educational program with introductory games teaches some basic motor skills for the kindergarten stage


رميح, هند ثروت محمد سليمان, العزازي, ماجد محمد السعيد, & شعيب, محمود ابراهيم. (2021). تاثير برنامج بالالعاب التمهيدية على تعلم بعض المهارات الحرکية الاساسية لمرحلة رياض الاطفال. مجلة بحوث التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة, 1(1), 50-68. doi: 10.21608/osdj.2021.106831.1002