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Humanities and Social Sciences Journal of Abstracts publishes theoretical and applied research in the broad areas of Humanities and Social Science. As the title of the Journal indicates we aim to provide high-quality research abstracts in different fields such as Education, Arts, Linguistics, Business administration, Physical Education, and Sociology.
The journal seeks to help researchers and graduate students by facilitating the searching of literature relevant to their work and improving their knowledge base. In addition, our journal is a new method to increase the visibility of humanities and social science publications.  We believe that an abstract is a self-contained, short, and powerful statement that describes a complete work. The abstracts’ components vary according to discipline. It may contain the scope, purpose, results, and contents of the work. The journal welcomes the submission of abstracts related to theoretical, experimental, review articles, book reviews, and thesis projects as well. 
Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please send us an e-mail Hssja@suez.edu.eg.
Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2023, Pages 1-50